

Available for: Android, iOS,

Now you can download the official YouTube app for iOS and Android. Find out what’s popular right now, including the newest videos and the hottest trends in beauty, fashion, cuisine, learning, everyday vlogging, and more.

Subscribe to channels you enjoy, or even create your own video and share it with others.


Watch and subscribe

  • Watch trending videos on Youtube
  • Create your own Youtube
  • Re watch videos from your Library 

Discover diversity videos from your countries

  • Update what is on trending right now form music videos, food videos
  • See the most coolest people from everywhere

Youtube Community Connection

  • Keep you up with the newest and categorize your own features 
  • Enjoy open conversation with the Youtuber that you followed and like

Create content from your mobile device

Make your own videos from your phones

  • Upload and edit your videos easily

Build your own audiences and community

User reviews:

Probably the most used app in the world. The algorithm is working well and everything is pretty good ngl. But a few problems: – The rate video things are stupid – So much unskippable ads for 5 sec videos – Sometimes videos will break the algorithm and scare me when I see the thumbnail – The little arrow in the top right corner can no longer be swiped to miniplayer? The play button is stuck when you restart the video – And my videos I post turn into a short and I do not like it!!!! Optional?
Anthony Juarez –  ★★★★★
Every update seems to make the app more of a mess. Just like other reviewers, the red bar showing the length of the video disappears. At that time, I can’t even pause or play the video. I also have an issue where I try to scroll down, but the screen forces me to scroll up. I don’t know if that’s just a personal issue, but it only happens and Youtube and only happened after it updated a while back.
Nuggetchilly –  ★★★★★
Hello YouTube people. The app is great. Nothing to complain about the app content or style or anything like that, however, the app has been glitching. I double checked to make sure it wasn’t just my phone, but all my other apps work fine, the wifi works fine, and it doesn’t do this when I am on my laptop. Ever since I got the premium, the videos would glitch, suddenly stop at random times then start again, and do odd things. Also, the app is completely updated. Is there something I can do?
AllenWalkerAnime7 –  ★★★★★
Anything I want to see or learn about, I do a search and up pops more clips than I could have imagined. Travel videos, dance troupes, symphonies, how to (set your digital watch), cooking, history, philosophy, etc etc. I often read news about a talented singer and can see them perform on YouTube. Movies too! Hope they don’t make it a subscription service. What a deal
Wynette Weaver –  ★★★★★
love this app, I use all the time but what angers me is the fact that you can’t select the option to go to the oldest videos on people’s channels anymore!! Like when you press on “sort by” it gives you the option to go to popular and recent/newest, but there used to be an option to go to oldest! I don’t want to scroll for hours just to get to the start of someone’s channel. Please change it back a I beg you
Holly Reynolds –  ★★★★★