Simple Habit Sleep, Meditation

Simple Habit Sleep, Meditation

Available for: Android, iOS,


Simple Habit is a meditation software created by leading meditation specialists that allows you to access meditation sessions quickly and easily. Simple Habit allows you to meditate anywhere, at any moment, and for any amount of time. The app includes over 2,000 guided meditations on topics such as sleep, anxiety, tension, and focus, among others.

Simple Habit is an app created for the hectic, modern lifestyle. With sessions available anytime you choose, this is an app that may motivate anybody to include at least five minutes of mindfulness and meditation into their everyday lives.

However, Simple Habit also provides various lengthier sessions ranging from 10 to 20 minutes. You may choose how much time you wish to devote to this app and browse through numerous categories to discover exactly what you need.


The software simply requires five minutes of your time every day and provides unique meditations for various ailments (depression, anxiety, stress) and life events. Its most treasured feature may be its On-The-Go mode, which simply asks “What are you doing?” and offers options such as “sleep,” “morning,” “taking a break,” or “SOS” before directing you to the appropriate meditation for that time. Simple Habit is one of the greatest mental health applications accessible due to its comprehensive customization and simple UI.

The software is intended for folks who value productivity. It allows you to create a meditation reminder and track your progress on a chart. There are over 50 free meditations, and if you upgrade to VIP, you’ll have access to hundreds more.


If you’ve never meditated before, the Simple Habit app is a fantastic place to start. The app offers a variety of meditation alternatives, so you may select one that works for you. There are other fantastic features as well, such as the option to establish objectives and measure your progress using Mindful Minutes.

With that, I’d want to take you through the app and its features, delving into some of the advantages of using Simple Habit as well as some suggestions for improvements.

Simple Habit Sleep, Meditation
Simple Habit Sleep, Meditation